Filmography-Selection (2012 -2017)
Tobias Scherer Dipl. sound mixer
Sound Supervisor, Re-Recording Mixer, Dialog Editor
Hermann-Hesse-Str. 18
D – 71642 Ludwigsburg | Stuttgart
Mobil +49 1577 5733246
Curriculum Vitae
Tobias Scherer was born in Mannheim, Germany, in 1987. From 2008-2012 he has been studying composing in Karlsruhe (Bachelor of Music) and has been working for three years in the institution of music and acoustics of the ZKM (Centrum for Art and Media in Karlsruhe). After working for operas and theaters all over Europe, he started composing music for films. Since 2012 Tobias has been studying at the Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg and worked together with the SWR, BR, Pro7, UFA-Fiction, ZDF, ARD and many more. He graduated with a first class degree diploma in April 2015. His main focus lies on re-recording mixing and dialog editing. In 2017 he founded the „Tobias Scherer – Audiopostproduktion“ company that specializes in creating audiovisual illusions for movies – from production soundmixing to foleys, sounddesign and re-recording mixing.
Nicht den Boden berühren (30 min, Director: Mia Spengler, Produktion: SWR): sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2012)
Zwei Mütter (75 min, Cinema-Movie, Director: Anne Zora Berrached, Production: ZDF); sounddesign (2012)
Compass (48 min, Director: Mustjaba Almadlooh; Production: Dubai TV); sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2012)
Comma (35 min, Director: Mustjaba Almadlooh; Production: Dubai TV); sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2012)
Life Long (10 min, Director: Liv Scharbatke; Production: ARTE, SWR); re-recording mixer (2013)
Dr. Illegal (TV-Show, approx. 25 min, Director: Hadi Khanjanpour; Production: UFA-Fiction); Location sound, sounddesign and re-recording mixer
Der Himmel zwischen den Welten (82 min, Director: Thomas Szabo; Production: DieFilm, Pro7); location sound, dialog editing and re-recording mixer (2014)
NSU Protokolle part 1 (approx. 90 min, Director: Soleen Yusef; Production: UFA-Fiction, SZ-Magazin, BR); location sound (2014)
NSU Protokolle part 2 (approx. 90 min, Director: Soleen Yusef; Production: UFA-Fiction, SZ-Magazin, BR); location sound (2015)
Morris from America (approx. 90 min, Cinema Movie, Director: Chad Hartigan; Production: Lichtblick Media, Beachside Films); location sound, soundpostproduction (2015)
Was kostet die Liebe (approx. 90 min, Director: Florian Knittel; Production: ProSieben Sat1, UFA Fiction); location sound, soundpostproduction (2016)
Gefangen im Paradies (approx. 90 min, Director: Felix Herzogenrath; Production: UFA Fiction, ProSieben Sat1); soundpostproduction (2016)
Die Beste Aller Welten (approx. 100 min, Cinema Movie, Director: Adrian Goinginger; Production: Lailaps Pictures, Ritzlfilm, ORF und SWR); soundpostproduction (2016)
Winterjagd (approx. 80 min, Cinema movie, Director: Astrid Schult; Production: Venice Pictures, ZDF); soundpostproduction (2016/2017)
Mata Hari (approx. 100 min, Director: Kai Christiansen, Production: Vincent TV, ARD); soundpostproduction (2017)
Pygmalion (approx. 35 min, Director: André Hoven, Production: Die Cinemacher UG, ARTE, Inmotion AG); soundpostproduction, re-recording mixer
Zirkuskind (25 min, Director: Christine Schäfer; Production: Spiegel TV online): location sound, sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2013)
Floating Like Butterflies, Stinging Like Bees (82 min, Director: Jana Bürgelin, Production: SWR): sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2013)
Boulevard’s End (15 min, Director: Nora Fingscheidt; Production: Holyschmidtfilm Berlin): sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2014)
Lifecamp Uyo (30 min, Director: Jörg Rambaum; Production: Scharbatke & Rambaum GbR): sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2014)
The Long Distanz (93 min Director: Daniel Sager, Production: ZDF): location sound, soundsupervisor, re-recording mixer (2015)
Der Perfekte Klang (approx. 45 min, Director: Elizabeth Hamberger, Production: SWR): location sound, soundsupervisor (2015)
125 Jahre Pfarrverein (ca. 15 min, Director: Dennis Scherr, Production: Peaches & Cherry Film): re-recording mixer
Paulsen (7 min, Director: Mia Spengler): sounddesign, music, re-recording mixer (2012)
Unesco (7 min, Director: Alexander Landsberger; Production: Domar Films): music, sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2012)
dm_MyPlace (3 min, Regie: Max Niemann): Location Sound (2013)
APM (3 min, Director: Dorian Lebherz; Production: Johannes Kunkel Films,): location sound, foleys (2014)
Daimler Trucks (Director: Tom Traber, Production: Marck 13): location sound (2013-2015)
JAB – Anstoetz (1:30 min, Production: Julie Boehm and Felix Phale): sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2014)
WEMPE (ca. 2 min, Production: Peaches & Cherry Films): soundpostproduction (2015)
Berliner Linien Busse (ca. 50 sec, Production: Peaches & Cherry Films): re-recording mixer (2016)
RWE – MOM (ca. 6,5min, Production: Creamino): dialog editing, re-recording mixer (2016)
Fairport – Airport Stuttgart ( 7* 60 sec, Production: Peaches & Cherry Films): re-recording mixer (2016)
Cluster Community (ca. 90 sec, Production: Peaches & Cherry Films): re-recording mixer (2016)
Innogy ( 10 Clips, 1 min, Production: Creanimo): re-recording mixer (2017)
Morphium (ITFS-Trailer, 3 * 1,5 min, Director: Luis Stetter; Production: Morphis Film): Sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2012 – 2015)
Fantacity (ITFS-Trailer, 2 min, Director: Ferdinand Engländer): re-recording mixer (2013)
Subway Ride (ITFS Trailer, 2 min, Production: Morphis Film): re-recording mixer (2013)
Globosom (5 min, international FMX – Trailer; „DolbyAtmos“): music mixing (2014)
Natural Attraction (5 min, Dolby Animation-Trailer, Director: Marc Zimmermann): Sounddesign re-recording mixer (2015)
Breaking Point ( ca. 1,5 min, Dolby Animation-Trailer, Director: Martin Lapp): Sounddesing, re-recording mixer (2016)
Matchwinner (ca. 4 min, Director: Linus Stetter; Production: Disney London, Mark 13 and Morphis Film): Sounddesign, re-recording mixer (2016)